Mechanical Strengths of Sawdust-Ash-Admixed Gum Arabic Concrete
Gum Arabic and sawdust ash were used both as an emulsifier admixture and supplementary cement material to address some of the gaps between pozzolanic and conventional concretes. Four concrete mixtures of 1: 2.24: 2.71, with a water-cement ratio of 0.5, and cement content of 370 kg/m3, was used. The concrete mixtures were designated as M-00, M-00GA, M-10GAS, and M-30GAS, signifying the control, control with gum Arabic (GA), and mix with both gum Arabic and sawdust ash (GAS), respectively. The dosage was 0.5 % of GA and the SDA replacement by wt. % was at 10 % and 30 %, respectively. The concrete samples were cured for 90 days, and tested for mechanical strengths. The results showed that adding GA alone to concrete mixture improved the mechanical strengths of the concrete and the gum Arabic acted like an accelerator. When both GA and SDA were used together in the dosage of 0.5 % with 10 % and 30 % proportions respectively, the mechanical strengths of the concrete decreased. The findings also reported that the two-third strength ratio at 28-days of curing which is used for the conventional concrete in stripping the formwork, may not be appropriate for use on pozzolanic concrete. This is because of the delay in setting times and thus, attaining the required design strength. Therefore, it is proposed to be taken at an age beyond 28 days of curing to carter for the pozzolanic effects which starts well above 28-days.
Gum Arabic Concrete, Mechanical Strengths, Two-third Strength Ratio, Statistical ParametersDownloads
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