Influence of Crack on Modal Parameters of Cantilever Beam Using Experimental Modal Analysis
In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a cantilever beam without and with crack is observed. An elastic Aluminum cantilever beams having surface crack at various crack positions are considered to analyze dynamically. Crack depth, crack length and crack location are the foremost parameters for describing the health condition of beam in terms of modal parameters such as natural frequency, mode shape and damping ratio. It is crucial to study the influence of crack depth and crack location on modal parameters of the beam for the decent performance and its safety. Crack or damage of structure causes a reduction in stiffness, an intrinsic reduction in resonant frequencies, variation of damping ratios and mode shapes. The broad examination of cantilever beam without crack and with crack has been done using Numerical analysis (Ansys18.0) and experimental modal analysis. To observe the exact higher modes of beam, discretize the beam into small elements. An experimental set up was established for cantilever beam having crack and it was excited by an impact hammer and finally the response was obtained using PCB accelerometer with the help sound and vibration toolkit of NI Lab-view. After obtaining the Frequency response functions (FRFs), the natural frequencies of beam are estimated using peak search method. The effectiveness of experimental modal analysis in terms of natural frequency is validated with numerical analysis results. This paper contains the study of free vibration analysis under the influence of crack at different points along the length of the beam.
Frequency response functions, Dynamic characteristics, Modal Analysis, NI LabViewDownloads
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